Importance of Meditation to our everyday lives

We all knows there're constant two-way communication going on between your body and your brain.Do you remember a time when you may have thought of something that was just terrible or maybe you had a "sinking feeling" in your stomach area? That is the kind of communication that goes on between your brain and your body.Meditation can help relax your mind so it can help train your body to relax and your brain to be clear.

5 practical actions to improving your self-esteem

Improving self-esteem and self-confidence doesn't automatically make us superheroes, but it's the first step to better meet the challenges of everyday life and our more ambitious goals. Poor self-esteem can be a massive obstacle on the way to our dreams and goals. When we stop believing in ourselves, in our

Why a Good Boss Must Have A High Level of Self-Esteem.

Only a manager with high self-esteem can be a good boss, because it is important not only what the manager does, but also - how he manages himself and others. In the business environment, self-confidence is often confused with a sense of value, which translates into the manager's way of thinking

9 things that people with high self-esteem will never accept.

When you really love yourself and really respect yourself, there are things you don't accept. Things that do not make you feel good about yourself should be dropped. When you love yourself, you will not tolerate these things:

10 Strategies To Improve Your Child's Self-Esteem.

As parents, we can't protect our children from all the situations and problems they will face throughout their lives. Children must grow and develop in environments in which parents are not present to lend a helping hand. However, we have a fundamental tool to help children become self-sufficient and make their own decisions: self-esteem.

Controlling Anger Best Ways Of Adapting To Change Experiences Through Meditation

There is only one way  to achieve happiness.That way is to simply be happy.You are probably thinking right now how do i get to be happy." "Things just don't work like that, It doesn't take into consideration the times that I am miserable because of problems or mishaps that come up in  my everyday life,not to

Jennifer Aniston broke a Guinness World Record for the fastest account to reach one million followers in less than 6 hours

In case you happen to live under literally the biggest rock ever, Jennifer Aniston finally joined Instagram last month.

Here Are Best Cool Gift Ideas for Every Kind of Boyfriend

  1. Well you will all agree with me that Boyfriends can be SO hard to shop for. If you’ve been dating forever, you might be all

Characteristics Of People With Low Self-Esteem

Characteristics Of People With Low Self Esteem - The level of self-esteem is variable throughout life; that is, the level of self-confidence and the value we attribute to ourselves is not defined in the metaphor of a straight line. Self-esteem is one of the essential

Types Of Self Esteem - How To Improve Your Self Esteem Revealed

Which Type Of Self Esteem Do I fall in? what categories of self esteem am I? This does not mean that we can fit into one particular type of self esteem because we know that sometimes we feel more euphoric, and sometimes more depressed. It all depends on what's going on in our lives.