9 things that people with high self-esteem will never accept.

When you really love yourself and really respect yourself, there are things you don't accept. Things that do not make you feel good about yourself should be dropped. When you love yourself, you will not tolerate these things:

1 Pleasure.

You have to do what makes you happy and do what your feelings make you feel. Don't try to convince others. They don't understand what you feel. You have to be above the opinions of others and do what feels right for you. Everyone who respects himself or herself listens to their feelings and knows for himself or herself what is right for them

2 Having a negative self-image.

Image result for Having a negative self-image.

When you have a negative self-image, the world around you also looks more grey and depressed. While when you have a positive self-image, you see the world around you much more positively with endless opportunities and possibilities. People who have high self-esteem love themselves and take care of themselves with positive thoughts, positive relationships, careers, and goals.

3 Stagnating.

When you look around you, the world can be a terrifying place, which is why many people decide to stay safe as long as possible and to avoid anything uncomfortable. But you can't grow if you don't try new things. Self-respecting people always look at how they can grow as a person.

4 Trying to fit in.

You can't grow and learn if you always follow the masses. To move forward in life, you must walk your path and trust your intuition. Do not rely on the opinions of others. Learn to feel comfortable in your skin and trust your feelings, and you will see that a whole world opens up for you.

5 Having a job that sucks you dry.

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Although it sometimes seems complicated, it is possible to find a job that does give you pleasure. Find out what is important to you, what makes you happy? People with self-respect dig deep into their souls to find out what they want. Anyone with a healthy dose of self-esteem at some point in their life will quit the job that makes them unhappy.

6 Ignoring your health.

Feeling good starts and ends with yourself; no one has more control over your health than you do. When you don't feel well mentally, physically, or emotionally, it's good to investigate where this comes from. Change does not take place in one night, and you can also get help. But what matters is that someone who respects himself or herself puts his or her health first because they know that without their health they can't enjoy life as much as they would like.

7 Trying to keep control of relationships.

If you have friends or a partner trying to control aspects of your life, all the alarms in your head should go off. You should never allow anyone to manipulate and control you. You deserve friendships and relationships that make you feel good about yourself and grow as a person. Put anyone in your life who brings more down than up can be let go. People with self-respect do not allow anyone else to take control of their lives.

8 Being lazy.

Today, most of us spend most of our time being entertained by our smartphones, tablets, and computers. This can make people lose their motivation to go out in the real world. But any self-respecting person will never allow himself to become lazy. They will continue to work on their goals and ideals and know how to use control and discipline to achieve these goals.

9 Not choosing happiness.

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Too many people settle for what they think they deserve, simply because they don't consider themselves high enough. But someone with self-respect will always make the choice that makes them happiest, no matter what they have to do to get there. They impose no limits on themselves, and they always believe in the positive.

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