Types Of Self Esteem - How To Improve Your Self Esteem Revealed

Which Type Of Self Esteem Do I fall in? what categories of self esteem am I? This does not mean that we can fit into one particular type of self esteem because we know that sometimes we feel more euphoric, and sometimes more depressed. It all depends on what's going on in our lives.

Types Of Self Esteem 

Find out what type of self-esteem predominates in you. Which one characterizes you the most?

1. Inflated" self-esteem

People who have an "inflated" self-esteem believe they are better than others and do not hesitate to devalue the rest. It is a very negative self-esteem because it prevents them from establishing healthy relationships.

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Competition is always present and these people want to be constantly above the others. For them, happiness is about achieving success, but in reality, they are not happy like that.

"We are interested in a realistic, healthy and positive self-esteem, but not a vain and vain self-esteem."

Vanity is characterized by being unable to listen to others and to be self-critical. They are not able to correct their own mistakes and so they constantly make others feel guilty.

In addition, they tend to underestimate the rest of the people by adopting hostile behaviour towards them.

These people have great difficulty establishing healthy relationships with others, and they always see their lives as a competition.

Perhaps behind this desire to always feel the best is a person in insecurity.

If a person has "inflated" self-esteem, is very superficial and materialistic, he or she surely suffers from false self-esteem.

2. High self-esteem

People who have high self-esteem accept and value themselves. It is an esteem that is recognized as positive because it helps to make the person satisfied with his or her own life.

Self-confidence and the courage to confront the problems that can arise in her life make her see things in a much more serene way.

"People who have high self-esteem do not feel superior to others. They do not seek to prove their worth by comparing themselves to others. They benefit by being who they are, and are no better than others. »

(Nathaniel Branden)

Self-confidence is a characteristic of people who have this type of self-esteem. However, this does not make them arrogant and they do not feel any better than others.

They only have the necessary security to prevent circumstances and negative events from destabilizing them.

People who suffer from insecurity are characterized by an aggressive or passive attitude, difficulty accepting other points of view, etc. This occurs particularly in competitive contexts, where insecurity becomes something impossible to face.

3. Low self-esteem

People with low self-esteem are the opposite of those with high self-esteem.

They do not value themselves, they do not feel capable, and the insecurity they may feel is transposed to all the situations they experience.

Also Read; Characteristics Of People With Low Self Esteem 

The fear of failure is something that torments and blocks them. They are the ultimate example of unhappy people.

"The need to talk negatively about the other indicates low self-esteem, that is, you feel so low that instead of going up, you bring the other down.

(Pope Francis)

People with low self-esteem have moments of euphoria during which everything suits them, but when things start to get complicated, their self-esteem drops very quickly.

They are very influenced and sensitive people, who tend to show their opinion without defending it.

Some people have little self-confidence, underestimate themselves and are so afraid of making mistakes that they still believe they are not up to the task.

What type of self-esteem is most characteristic of you?

Think that an "inflated" or reliable self-esteem is a self-esteem that still needs to be worked on. If you are one of those people who have a high self-esteem, even if you suffer from instability, that's fine!

You are close to the happiness and satisfaction of a fulfilling life.

How To improve Your self-esteem?

Whichever the type of self esteem you've got, they're thousands of ways to improve on your self esteem and make it better. Few of ways of improving self esteem shall be explained here in this page. 
If you have low or regular self-esteem and want to improve it, here are some tips that you can begin to apply in your life and expect noticeable differences overtime. 

Love yourself

Loving oneself is one of the best medicines that exist to increase self-esteem. If we only look at our shortcomings and what we do not do correctly, we will live disappointed and frustrated with ourselves.
Therefore, we have to pay more attention to those that make us special and unique and that also gives us great to do.

Do not be a perfectionist

Perfection does not exist as such, there will always be something that we do not know how to do perfectly well. Being extremely critical will not benefit us and will impede our self-esteem and our love for ourselves.

Take failures constructively

Everyone is wrong and we also have to allow ourselves to do it, because if we do not make mistakes we can never learn properly. Mistakes must be seen as sources of learning and not as personal attacks.

Set realistic goals

We have to be able to set ourselves goals that are viable and that we are capable of meeting both in the short and long term. If it is not done in this way it will only create discomfort and once again we will not be happy with ourselves.

Feel proud

We must be proud of what we are and have achieved in our lives because it has been the fruit of our effort and dedication only and exclusively.
If you want to continue deepening this topic, you can not miss the article: 14 world experts give their opinion on how to improve self-esteem.


In general there are three types of self-esteem that in turn can have different subtypes. On the one hand, we find high self-esteem that is divided into high and stable and high and unstable. On the other hand, we have average self-esteem and low self-esteem. The latter and like the high, can be divided into low and unstable and low and stable. In some classifications the self-esteem of inflated type is also incorporated.
A person throughout their life can present different types of self-esteem depending on the situation they are facing or the relationships they have with the people around them. However, from my point of view, the basis of having a good self-esteem will always be found in childhood.
The first steps to build the personality and temperament of a person and their self-esteem occurs in childhood, so it must be understood as one of the most important factors in the development of a person's self-esteem.

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